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Thank You, Louisville City

Writer's picture: BentonBenton

EM Dash Photography

Last night was a tough pill to swallow. Being so close to silverware and falling short is painful. I’m gutted for the team who did not take the loss lightly. 2020 has been universally accepted as a terrible year, and this adds to the list. Despite this untimely conclusion of Morados’s season, there is much to be thankful for.

Six years of existence and six appearances in the Eastern Conference Finals. Amazing. There have also been three appearances in the Finals, with two resulting in Lou City being crowned champions. What an incredible track record. Lou City has established a long-term culture of winning. A model that many clubs in the league would like to replicate. This success has established the club as one of the top clubs in the league. No other team has had as much success.

We’ve also been blessed with a phenomenal state-of-the-art stadium. Lynn Family Stadium is a beautiful testament to what this club and the sport mean to this city. One of the nation’s best cathedrals of soccer that is right here in our city. We all knew the jump from Slugger to LFS was going to be great, but it was even better than imagined. How lucky are we that we could have fans attend matches safely this season? For those who could not attend for various reasons, the wait will be worth it!

Let’s not forget all the wonderful men and women who have helped to make this happen. The ownership group, front office, players, coaches, and game day staff have all helped to shape the club we love. Thank you to all involved over the past several years. Especially for those who have helped with this season in particular. Louisville City soccer has served as a bit of normalcy and escape from this year’s chaos. I’m sure I am not alone in saying that it was much needed. They not only brought us live soccer, but could also do it while keeping us safe.

And finally, I want to thank you, the fans. As much as we love the on-field product, the atmosphere the fans create helps to bring a unique sense of excitement to the games. Whether you spend the match jumping and singing or sit nervously praying for a positive outcome in your seat (that’s what I do), you are appreciated. Even outside of the matches themselves, the fans help to create a unique community. We have thriving online dialogues on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, and several content creators that help to fill the void between matches with Louisville City content.

Let’s keep our chins up. It’s easy to be upset about what could have been, but we should focus on the positives and what lies ahead. This team will be back. They will channel the pain they are feeling right now into their preparations for 2021. We will also be treated to a fresh addition to the Soccer Holdings family, Racing Louisville. I have a good feeling that the success will continue.

Thank you for taking the time to read my site. It’s been a fun, creative outlet. I hoped you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have had writing it. Despite the season-ending, I still have many ideas for offseason pieces. Stay tuned! Be sure to follow on Facebook and Twitter! Vamos Morados!

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